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Luna Circle Shamanism & Curanderismo Practices
1- Welcome and introduction
1.1. What is this classroom about
2- Curanderismo Practice for Fear & Anxiety
2.1 Lecture: Fear and Anxiety tips for Practitioners (49:55)
2.2 Music for Practice
2.3 Practice/Meditation (78:35)
2.4 Q&A for Fear & Anxiety Practice (8:18)
3- Be the best practitioner you can be
Be aware of your thoughts and feelings
Act of Gratitude towards ourselves
Act of Gratitude & Love at home
4- My acts of LOVE
Hydrate yourself as an act of love
Luna Circle/Temezcalli and Sacred Songs
Morning songs Espanol
Morning songs
2.1 Lecture: Fear and Anxiety tips for Practitioners
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