What is this about
Hola and welcome!
This is our online classroom for our Luna Circle Monthly Guidance.
Doy con Amor!
Recibe con Amor!
I give with Love!
Receive with Love!
We are going to work together as Luna Circle Tribe to become better in every aspect. Better human beings, better to ourselves, better with other people, better for this planet and universe, and better for spiritual practices.
I give this support and guidance with Love and Respect to you. I would like this to be a reminder about the spiritual practices that you have learned with me. Also, a place for inspiration when you feel "stuck", or out of alignment. If you don't have the strength or the time to do the practices recommended here at least you can watch the videos and get inspired.
This online classroom is open for active students who come to my school and learn in person the Ancient Mexican Spiritual practices of Curanderismo, Mexican Shamanism, and Nahualism
Ixtoii Paloma Cervantes - Curandera.
This picture: One of our morning sunrise spiritual hikes - Malibu, CA